Summary : The blog offers some ideas and practical tips on how you can get your child working on printable worksheets, whether you are home-schooling or simply making sure that your child does, and understands, any homework they may have been given. It is a lot easier to teach your child or to help them with school homework if they have had experience of learning in the home. Very often moms teach their children a lot of skills without actually realising that the fun they are having is a great way for a child to learn. Silly games like spotting the number of red cars while out on a shopping trip or playing about with words by making up silly rhymes all contribute to your child's education. The point is that you can still carry on with this type of learning activity and it will be a lot easier to incorporate printable worksheets into the fun and get your child working on them. Children love to draw and color and cut and paste so you can use this pleasure in a number of ways to make ...
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